General club notices
All financial members are advised that the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Dandenong Motorcycle Club Inc. will be held at the DMCC Clubrooms on Friday 18th October at 7:30pm
Elections for Office Bearers and General Committee Members will be held.
AGM Nomination form
Nominations for all positions should be forwarded to the secretary on the attached form not less than 14 days before the AGM.
DMCC elections
9/5 Paul Court
Dandenong 3175
First thing you need is a current DMCC membership if you don't have a current membership you will need to renew or join our club via our website
To set Ridernet to obtain/renew your MA license do the following:
If using web page from computer
- Click on your name and choose 'My Profile'
- Click on 'Club Memberships'
- Click on 'Add Club'
- In the search type "Dandenong MCC" the click 'Add Club'
- Click 'Select' on the appropriate membership
- Follow the prompts until you get to 'Registration Success'
- We will get a message to approve your membership.
- Wait till you get a 'Club Registration Approved' email from Ridernet, Wait till you get a 'Club Registration Approved' email from Ridernet, ignore the part about paying we confirm the payment manually since you have already paid via our website
If using MA Ridernet Mobile app
- Under 'Your Club Memberships' choose 'Add a Membership', you may have to swipe right if you have existing memberships
- In 'Club Name' type "Dandenong MCC" and click on 'Search'
- Choose 'Add Club'
- Click 'Select' on the appropriate membership
- Follow the prompts until you get to 'Registration Success'
- We will get a message to approve your membership.
- Wait till you get a 'Club Registration Approved' email from Ridernet, ignore the part about paying we confirm the payment manually since you have already paid via our website
Please make sure this is all complete well before you need your license as delays may prevent you obtaining your license when you need it.
To purchase a one event license for one or our events you must follow the instructions below.
You can purchase a one event license when entering the event
After you select your class and select next, you will see a RED box, select the "Click here" link to add a one event license to your entry
You will need to select a "Riding License"
Then you need to select either a "Competitive License" or a "Recreational License" depending on the class you are entering
On the license Type you will need to select a "One Event" license
Make sure all your contact and emergency details are correct
If not done already you need to upload a photo for proof of identity, what is accepted is detailed
You will need to select the event to apply the license to.
Type "Dandenong" in the "Club/Event Name" section to find our event(s).
Click on 'Search'
And select the appropriate event. Click "Next" on the appropriate event.
Click "Next" on the Disciplines section.
Accept the declarations
Pay for the License.